the Seinfeld group went today and they did a very good job they deff. knew their material. however i though it was funny when they talked about how Seinfeld is based on real life or is real life based on Seinfeld, iv never watched the show yet in class everyone talked about in Seinfeld how they had terminology that they started to use that now we use in everyday living. i have no idea what they were talking about but, the way i see it is that life now is a lot more liberal and open with things then it used to be. and Seinfeld show was out earlier in life and thats when people didn't talk about sex or talk about things that girls talk about with their girl friends or guy talk about in the locker room, so i think the show was ahead of its time in that aspect, however now in life i don't think people saw the show and said "we should be like that and be more open with things" NO! thats not what happen. i think the show was taking a chance and decided to talk about things that people don't talk about and show people that its not a bad thing, its just a thing that is always pushed under the run, when in all reality it would be the main talk on the top of the rug.
i love being open and i don't hid things, i love to talk about everything, i was raised that way my family and i are so open we know everything about everyone in our family,and i mean everything, and i wouldn't have it any other way. i know to many people that cant go to their parents with issues and feelings that they have and its hard on them because they need to let it out and it needs to be ok with the parents so that the kids are being able to fully express themselves.
but again its all just my opinion.
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